I'll be keeping updates for this frustrating situation on this page. As of today (Dec 20 2021) there is still no movement on the stuck package. I will be following up with the DHL rep and my Member of Parliament (yes, this is getting that silly) that is helping get the two agencies (DHL and CBSA) in contact.
The situation:

Dec 17 Update from the MP

This promise was not upheld by DHL.
Dec 19 Update from the MP

As of 7:30 PM EST on Monday Dec 20, there has been no clearance. I will update tomorrow.
As of Noon on Tuesday Dec 21 the tracking is marked as "shipment has been given a release status by customs". This hopefully means that the separated package can now move to Calgary to be picked up with the rest. I will update tomorrow when I see some more movement.
Noon on Wednesday Dec 22 - half of the shipment (LT switches, 68g U4T and some 62g U4T) were delivered. I will fulfill everything I can today, and hopefully the other half arrives tomorrow.
3 PM on Thursday Dec 23 - it is snowing like crazy here and the DHL guy brought me all but one of the remaining boxes. He said "the last one was supposed to land at 2PM before I left the depot, but got delayed because of the storm - I'll see you tomorrow"
3 PM on Friday Dec 24 - package did not end up getting on that plane.
10 PM on Monday Dec 27 - still waiting on the notification that the last package has boarded a plane - once I do it is 12 to 24 hours until it shows up at my door. Only U4 (all types) and U4T 62g Clear top orders are affected, the rest are being packed as we speak. I expect this package to be in my hands by mid-week.
6 PM on Wednesday Dec 29 - Still no movement - last scan was Dec 24. I called DHL again today and they told me that the final package was still in customs (even though it was marked as cleared a week ago). I'm expecting a call back in the morning with more information. I've reached out to my account manager and MP again (not sure how far that will get me with most office workers taking the time between Christmas and New Years off). Excuse my language but this is beyond fucking ridiculous, and I apologize profusely to my customers that have stuck with me through this. I will update tomorrow after I know more.
5 PM on Friday Dec 31 - Happy new year! I spoke with the DHL worker that has been assigned to my case (finally), and they told me that the Ontario depot does not have my package (last scan was Xmas eve in Ontario). So apparently it found it's way onto a plane to Calgary without being scanned, and then was also unloaded without being scanned. I'm fuming, as this sounds like they're just feeding me bullshit to cover their tracks while they run around and try and locate this. I've been told I'll be updated on Tuesday before Noon (Monday is a holiday). I'll also head up to the airport on Tuesday to go yell at some people to go look for it in person.
I've never seen such incompetence - this is bordering on maliciousness/CIA messing with me/punishment for terrible deeds in a past life.
Noon on Jan 8 - Gazzew and I have decided we are going to decouple ourselves from DHL to fix this situation. He is working on getting some extra stock from his own reserves (tough to get right now, factory is doing upgrades and not producing much this time of year). US orders have all been fulfilled by Gazzew, and tracking numbers have been sent from my website. Those that have U4s or Clear top 62g U4Ts in addition to other items in my store can expect a tracking number from Canada, and I will manually email them the USPS tracking number from Gazzew this weekend.
As for my beloved Canadian (and handful of non NA customers), Gazzew will be sending me (via a non-DHL express service) what he can of the switches I need to fulfill the rest of your orders. I will keep everyone posted on the status of that, and we are confident that he has enough that we can fulfill most/if not all of the outstanding orders and wrap this nightmare up for everyone.
11 AM on Jan 11 - DHL let me know they found the box in Hamilton (wow, they did their job) and that it has been "processed for departure to Calgary". The next plane from YHM to YYC is at 1:15 AM EST, so I'm hoping it gets on that. I just want this to end.
They told me they're in contact with the people in Calgary, and they'll ensure it gets to me same/next day when it lands there. The Calgary DHL depot has always been super fast, and the driver that brings my stuff is reliable - things should be nice and fast as soon as it gets out of the nightmare zone that is YHM.
1 PM on Jan 12- It's here. It arrived. The nightmare is over. Packing everything today and getting it out ASAP.
I will update this page as I get new information. Feel free to reach out via discord or email if you have questions about this - I'm always around. Thank you to all of my customers who are sticking with me during this fiasco - your patience is extremely appreciated.